
Good Character

This performance includes a series of interactive stories about good character told by Muslim grandmothers to their grandchildren. The performance is accompanied by percussive instruments from each of the countries presented, including Pakistan, America, China, Mali and Guyana. Highlights include the sharing of values that are similar across Muslim and non-Muslim countries as well as […]

No Mystery in Black History!

This interactive program is filled with story, rhythm, history, and song. Featuring a call and response song followed by “An African Drum Story,” Queen Nur introduces various drums from West Africa and describes their communal importance. Engagement continues with Black History in the U.S. through freedom stories, civil rights chants, poetry, music and empowerment tales. […]

Sweet Potato Pie and Such

Queen Nur, an international storyteller and Dwight James, renowned jazz drummer present a flavorful seasoning of interactive tales from the African and African American Oral Tradition that will ground you in tradition, butter you up with joy and delightfully sweeten your mind. Designed for audiences to participate, celebrate and “Jubilate.” Values are indelibly remembered through […]

Transforming Learning Through Chinese Theatre

Though the use of Chinese Theatre, this professional learning supports teachers to discover the benefits and possibilities for using puppetry as a creative teaching and learning strategy. Teachers will gain an understanding of how and when puppetry can be used to 1) support a positive classroom culture, 2) introduce curriculum topics, 3) enhance creativity, and […]

Write Now!

This high energy, participatory program explores the often forgotten element of creative writing: spontaneity! Freestyle Repertory Theatre encourages audience volunteers get involved in the whimsy and fun of creating characters and settings off the tops of their heads. They see how plot unfolds through changes and what happens next. Three dynamic artists teach about physical […]

Ancient Thunder

In the beginning, twelve Titans ruled the heavens and Earth. They birthed a race of Gods known as Olympians who used their strength and cunning to banish the Titans forever. From the ashes of this great war rose humankind. Join Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble for this rambunctious retelling of classic Greek myths, including Midas’ touch, Persephone’s […]