
Fun with Fractions: Math is Beautiful

Connections to world cultures are made to demonstrate that math has been at the foundation of art and culture for millennia, and students learn more in-depth about conceptual art and the work of Sol Lewitt. Students connect this creative experience to real-world applications of the imagination, learning the importance of precision within the scope of […]

It’s Alive! Stop Motion Animation

Students build films together while developing their media literacy, visual arts, ELA and social skills. Participants sculpt or build stop-motion characters and sets. They will set up a provided iPad camera and use free software to film and score their movies. Students will learn the techniques that will make their films clear, fun and eminently […]

Cajón (box drum)

This program is designed to introduce participants to the rhythmical magic of the cajón (box drum) as well as to the fascinating history and culture it carries within. Participants will learn basic techniques to play the most popular rhythms of Afro-Peruvian music. Depending on the length of the program, other percussion instruments like the quijada […]

Bollywood – Dances of India

Bollywood films are world-famous for their incredible dance numbers, a fusion of traditional Indian dance with jazz inuence and modern technique. With DanceXStudio and choreographer Jayshree Srikanth, students will learn timing, rhythm, energy and expressive movements. The students will learn more about Indian culture, geography, history and dance’s ever important role. Central Jersey Only Program […]

Dancing Ourselves

Critically acclaimed Heidi Latsky Dance is passionately dedicated to reflecting the true diverse nature of the world we live in through accessible, thought-provoking, dynamic and rigorous dance works. We promote active/complete inclusion and challenging preconceived notions of who are generally accepted as dancers as a metaphor for life. During the assembly, we share our core […]

A Taste of Mosaic

In this workshop, students will learn a little bit about the history of mosaics and its importance in telling the stories of past civilizations. After learning about the history students will participate in a hands on experience of creating a small “Picassiette” style of mosaic using a variety of ceramic and glass tile. The resulting […]

Rhythm: The Lost Language

Students will learn the language of rhythm from acclaimed tap dancer and choreographer Maurice Chestnut. Each session begins with a rhythm stretch and a percussive call and response warm-up. Learners will begin their journey in Africa with djembe rhythms, then move through New Orleans and New York where Africans and Irish step dancers created the […]