
The Colors of Frida

Experience history come to life. Teatro SEA brings you an amazing bilingual performance exploring the life and history of the great Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. “The Colors of Frida” (Los Colores de Frida) is performed in Spanish and English and combines storytelling, music, visual arts, puppets, and audience participation. North of Trenton only. Program options: […]

Science Adventure

Through fun and interactive stories, we’ll explore amazing science concepts like physical and chemical changes, the laws of motion, energy, air pressure, and more! Several students will help conduct each experiment as the audience makes predictions and draws conclusions based on their observations. Everyone will be on the edge of their seats as they experience […]

Conscience, Stories, and Hope: Hans and Sophie Scholl’s White Rose

What was it like to grow up in Hitler’s Germany, to be drawn in by his words and then choose another path? In this program, meet Hans and Sophie Scholl, brother and sister whose ability to see led them to choose the path of resistance, no matter the consequences. Program options: In-person Please fill out this […]


Musiquita is a bilingual (English/Spanish) interactive educational music experience, appropriate for children of all ages and backgrounds, as well as kids at heart. The wife/husband duo features Blanca Cecilia González (violin/voice/uke/percussion) and Jesse Elder (piano/vocals/percussion/melodica). They perform originals, Latin Folk music, classical, jazz, pop, children’s classics and so much more! They have a play based […]

Tell Your Story!

“Tell Your Story!” is a 1-2 day creative drama residency where students collaborate to create a short theatrical performance based on a topic they’re passionate about. They will experiment with voice, body, staging, and performance to develop communication, teamwork, decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity. This residency offers a supportive and fun environment for students to express […]

Sweet Potato Pie and Such

Queen Nur, an international storyteller and Dwight James, renowned jazz drummer present a flavorful seasoning of interactive tales from the African and African American Oral Tradition that will ground you in tradition, butter you up with joy and delightfully sweeten your mind. Designed for audiences to participate, celebrate and “Jubilate.” Values are indelibly remembered through […]