
Write Now!

This high energy, participatory program explores the often forgotten element of creative writing: spontaneity! Freestyle Repertory Theatre encourages audience volunteers get involved in the whimsy and fun of creating characters and settings off the tops of their heads. They see how plot unfolds through changes and what happens next. Three dynamic artists teach about physical […]

Ancient Thunder

In the beginning, twelve Titans ruled the heavens and Earth. They birthed a race of Gods known as Olympians who used their strength and cunning to banish the Titans forever. From the ashes of this great war rose humankind. Join Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble for this rambunctious retelling of classic Greek myths, including Midas’ touch, Persephone’s […]

Soul Steps

Soul Steps speaks the language of rhythm! This showcase of the African-American dance tradition known as “stepping” explores how step started among African-American fraternities and sororities on college campuses as a means of unity and self-expression, and has deep roots in the migrant labor culture of South African gold mines. Students enjoy the high-energy step […]

Traditions of Chinese Acrobatics

This is a mesmerizing one-woman acrobatic performance. Li Liu performs hand balancing, plate spinning, artistic cycling, ribbon dancing, foot juggling, and more. Students join her to create an impromptu ribbon dance and try their hand at plate spinning. Students learn about Chinese language and culture. In addition, Li Lui explains some of the rituals of […]

Sister Rain and Brother Sun

When glistening Sister Rain becomes jealous of shining Brother Sun and stops watering the Earth, wise Mother Nature must step in to save the day. In this musical tale, students interact with Catskill Puppet Theatre’s large, beautifully crafted rod puppets, as well as colorful sets and costumes, discovering that we must all work together to […]

Civil Rights Movements

This Hip Hop Fundamentals assembly focuses on student involvement in the American Civil Rights movement through dance, audience participation, and a variety of interactive activities. The dancers tackle racism, segregation, and the struggle for freedom in a safe, family friendly atmosphere. Students hear the words of Dr. King, learn how nonviolent direct action helped end […]