
Making Books: Tell Me a Story… Tell me Your Story

Through a series of exercises leading to the creation of hand-made books, students use the elements and principles of design to create compelling images in the way that a writer uses letters and words to compose stories and poems. Intentional connections to literacy and communication are driven home as works are presented in individual and/or […]

It’s Alive! Stop Motion Animation

Students build films together while developing their media literacy, visual arts, ELA and social skills. Participants sculpt or build stop-motion characters and sets. They will set up a provided iPad camera and use free software to film and score their movies. Students will learn the techniques that will make their films clear, fun and eminently […]

Get Write with Rashad Wright

This poetry performance workshop offers a dynamic and interactive learning experience. Students will first learn by watching Rashad perform a live slam poem, the students will then analyze both the writing and performance techniques used. After which, they will craft their own performance poems with the opportunity to share them with the group! Program options: […]

Bollywood – Dances of India

Bollywood films are world-famous for their incredible dance numbers, a fusion of traditional Indian dance with jazz inuence and modern technique. With DanceXStudio and choreographer Jayshree Srikanth, students will learn timing, rhythm, energy and expressive movements. The students will learn more about Indian culture, geography, history and dance’s ever important role. Central Jersey Only Program […]

Dancing Ourselves

Critically acclaimed Heidi Latsky Dance is passionately dedicated to reflecting the true diverse nature of the world we live in through accessible, thought-provoking, dynamic and rigorous dance works. We promote active/complete inclusion and challenging preconceived notions of who are generally accepted as dancers as a metaphor for life. During the assembly, we share our core […]

A Taste of Mosaic

In this workshop, students will learn a little bit about the history of mosaics and its importance in telling the stories of past civilizations. After learning about the history students will participate in a hands on experience of creating a small “Picassiette” style of mosaic using a variety of ceramic and glass tile. The resulting […]

B.A.R.S.: The Writing Process Through Rap

Students are taken on a fun, multimedia trip through the world of creative writing where they discuss the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). Students will rap along to original, professionally released music created by Bomani, as well as songs highlighting his tips on how to be a better creative writer. There will […]

Black Scientists & the Arts

Black Scientists & the Arts centers the magic of becoming a Creative Scientist using all of your senses to explore. Each program introduces students to a Black Scientist (Past/Present) and their contribution to the world through historical artifacts, science experiments, and creative projects. By including an hands-on art activity during each lesson, students have the […]