
A Taste of Mosaic

In this workshop, students will learn a little bit about the history of mosaics and its importance in telling the stories of past civilizations. After learning about the history, students will participate in a hands-on experience of creating a small “Picassiette” style of mosaic using a variety of ceramic and glass tile. The resulting work […]

String Art

This STEAM focused workshop introduces students to the art of creating complex geometric designs using only colorful embroidery thread and straight lines. Students will learn how to follow coordinates to map out their designs, and will be astonished to find that multiple straight lines can create curved lines. String art is the perfect combination of […]

Modular Origami Suncatchers

This STEAM focused workshop gives students hands-on experience with modular Origami, by having them fold multiple simple Origami pieces, that when assembled form a beautiful 8 or 10 point star. The special paper used in the program is translucent, and when hung in a sunny window will reveal more complex geometric shapes and designs within […]

Paper Quilling

Originating in 17th-century Europe, paper quilling is the art of rolling, shaping, and gluing thin strips of paper together to make complex designs.  Students will learn how to curl paper to create different shapes, and explore what makes good design and how to choose which colors and shapes to use to create dynamic three-dimensional pictures, […]