
Creative Approach to Fractions

Integrating fractions and mathematical communication, students create math-based murals using simple art materials and techniques. Nationally credentialed teaching artist Molly Johnson introduces the work of professional artists who use math as their inspiration. Students do the same and practice conceptual, representational, and abstract understandings of fractions. This residency engages students’ creativity and mathematical thinking through […]

Making Books: Tell Me a Story… Tell me Your Story

Through a series of exercises leading to the creation of hand-made books, students use the elements and principles of design to create compelling images in the way that a writer uses letters and words to compose stories and poems. Intentional connections to literacy and communication are driven home as works are presented in individual and/or […]

Fun with Fractions: Math is Beautiful

Connections to world cultures are made to demonstrate that math has been at the foundation of art and culture for millennia, and students learn more in-depth about conceptual art and the work of Sol Lewitt. Students connect this creative experience to real-world applications of the imagination, learning the importance of precision within the scope of […]

Science Adventure

Through fun and interactive stories, we’ll explore amazing science concepts like physical and chemical changes, the laws of motion, energy, air pressure, and more! Several students will help conduct each experiment as the audience makes predictions and draws conclusions based on their observations. Everyone will be on the edge of their seats as they experience […]


Program Description for K-2: This workshop will guide participants to build a robot and learn how to program a robot. This workshop is great for young children to begin robotic and computational thinking. Robots will light up, move, dance and challenge our ideas of who robots make an impact in our lives. The projects are […]

Coding: Literature Adaptation

This lesson guides students through adapting a book into a media production, using Scratch, a visual programming language to program a Scratch Play. Developing a literature adaptation requires students to not only comprehend a story but also to closely study an original work, and to be created in a retelling.  Many students need support to […]

Patterns in Nature: From Science to Art

This workshop (or series of) will focus on the beauty, design and function of patterns, forms and structures found in the natural world. Topics including branching, the spiral/Fibonacci, star/radial, retiform/mesh, hyperbolic geometry, symmetry, etc. will be explored. Students will observe and draw from natural specimens and images, define and study, then create 2D and 3D […]

Art & Robotics

This class is an introduction to building and programming robots for art making. Students will learn basic principles of mechanical design, construction, programming and teamwork skills. In small teams, using motors and sensors, students build robots that can draw, move objects, or find their own way and avoid obstacles. Students use a control console or […]

Magical Math & Stories

Rebecca Kelly’s Magical Math & Stories is an imaginative adventure of storytelling, math and art for early childhood learners and elementary school students. Elementary students learn the multiplication table through making puzzles. They master division through writing math stories of their own and solving problems inspired by storytelling and read alouds! Using paper arts, budding […]