
Get Write with Rashad Wright

This Poetry/Performance workshop will begin with a demonstration of a performance poem. Students will then discuss the skills being used to write the poem in tandem the techniques used in the performance of that poem. Next participants will be provided with a warm up exercise to encourage creative writing. Shortly after they will be writing […]

Dancing Ourselves

Critically acclaimed Heidi Latsky Dance is passionately dedicated to reflecting the true diverse nature of the world we live in through accessible, thought-provoking, dynamic and rigorous dance works. We promote active/complete inclusion and challenging preconceived notions of who are generally accepted as dancers as a metaphor for life. During the assembly, we share our core […]

A Taste of Mosaic

In this workshop, students will learn a little bit about the history of mosaics and its importance in telling the stories of past civilizations. After learning about the history students will participate in a hands on experience of creating a small “Picassiette” style of mosaic using a variety of ceramic and glass tile. The resulting […]

B.A.R.S.: The ABC’s of Hip Hop

Baba Bomani’s program uses rhythm and rhyme to explain basic reading and math concepts such as how to recognize syllables and showing how a rapper’s flow is simply a number bond math equation! Students have fun breaking and learning how to rap the alphabet backward, as well as learn crucial active listening skills and Black […]

Science Adventure

Through fun and interactive stories, we’ll explore amazing science concepts like physical and chemical changes, the laws of motion, energy, air pressure, and more! Several students will help conduct each experiment as the audience makes predictions and draws conclusions based on their observations. Everyone will be on the edge of their seats as they experience […]

Conscience, Stories, and Hope: Hans and Sophie Scholl’s White Rose

What was it like to grow up in Hitler’s Germany, to be drawn in by his words and then choose another path? In this program, meet Hans and Sophie Scholl, brother and sister whose ability to see led them to choose the path of resistance, no matter the consequences. Program options: In-person Please fill out this […]


Musiquita is a bilingual (English/Spanish) interactive educational music experience, appropriate for children of all ages and backgrounds, as well as kids at heart. The wife/husband duo features Blanca Cecilia González (violin/voice/uke/percussion) and Jesse Elder (piano/vocals/percussion/melodica). They perform originals, Latin Folk music, classical, jazz, pop, children’s classics and so much more! They have a play based […]

String Art

This STEAM focused workshop introduces students to the art of creating complex geometric designs using only colorful embroidery thread and straight lines. Students will learn how to follow coordinates to map out their designs, and will be astonished to find that multiple straight lines can create curved lines. String art is the perfect combination of […]