
Working Together Makes Us Whole: Collaborative Mural Making

Students explore elements and principles of design to develop a language around visual expression with the ultimate goal of creating a collective mural (physical or digital). We collaboratively develop a theme tailored to either math, science, or social emotional concepts (in all cases, math will be used to establish the rule by which individual contributions […]

Exquisitely Connected Design and Digital Mural Virtual Workshop

Exquisitely Connected: A National Digital Mural Community  A 4-day arts-integrated experience connecting our current times to history and to a national community Students will create a portion of a growing national digital mural based on their personal experiences of living in times where the global pandemic is colliding with demands for social justice. This mural […]

Making Toys

Maker spaces are studios and labs designed for students to pursue projects of their choosing that combine design, technology and art. In these labs, students are challenged to develop solutions to real-world problems, and learn skills that bring kids into the world of art and design in unique and engaging ways. We introduce young children […]


The REMIX is an action-packed, rhythmic roller coaster, that explores the five elements of percussive dance (rhythm, energy, musicality, improvisation, and our x-factor). This interactive performance, featuring three dancers, fuses Hip Hop music with Tap and Stepping, bringing audiences dancing along the way. The REMIX creates a safe space for students to become both dancer […]

Write Now!

This high energy, participatory program explores the often forgotten element of creative writing: spontaneity! Freestyle Repertory Theatre encourages audience volunteers get involved in the whimsy and fun of creating characters and settings off the tops of their heads. They see how plot unfolds through changes and what happens next. Three dynamic artists teach about physical […]