
Branching Patterns in Nature

Branching patterns can be found throughout the natural world- from leaf veins and root systems, to coral, mineral dendrites, and a single brain neuron. This workshop will focus on these beautiful, efficient and energy-transmitting forms. Participants will observe and sketch from specimens, then create a wire tree sculpture incorporating a math and division process that […]

Mad Dog & Me: Bullying and the Power of Kindness

This entertaining mix of world tales and personal stories addresses the universal experience of standing up for yourself in the face of adversity and bullying. Through fables, myths, and stories from his own life growing up in a rough neighborhood, award-winning storyteller and educator Dr. David Gonzalez offers insights and strategies for cultivating compassionate relationships […]

Arabiqa with Karim Nagi

Karim Nagi is a native Egyptian and performs on multiple percussion and string instruments from around the Arab world. He describes the history of each instrument, shares how they are made, and writes out the names in Arabic script. In the program, Karim involves the virtual audience with rhythmic clapping, word pronunciation, line dancing, and […]

The Boy Who Would Be Captain Hook

David Harrell always wanted to be a part of playground games, but was only included when the other kids recognized that his prosthetic hook made him perfect for the part of Captain Hook in Peter Pan. Through perseverance, he showed he could be more than just the boy with one hand. David demonstrates that by […]

A Little Potato and Hard to Peel

This is a universal story about a not so ordinary life. In this warm, smart, and engaging autobiographical program, David Harrell delivers a hilarious and insightful look at living with a disability. Through his journey we all learn to not let the challenges or circumstances of our lives peel away the core of our humanity. […]

Kwanzaa Tales

In her interactive performance, TAHIRA, shares the seven principles (Nguzo Saba) of Kwanzaa. She does this through storytelling and music. Kwanzaa is an African American and pan-African holiday which celebrates family, community and culture. The central cultural values of Kwanzaa are: Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith. These values […]

Using Art Explorations to Reach All Students

In this professional learning program with visual artist Molly Gaston Johnson, teachers will learn how to use basic elements and principles of design as a means of communicating ideas. Through designing their own artworks in a series of exercises that build from simple and quick, to more intentionally social-emotionally driven, and then curriculum-driven, participants will […]