Ancient Thunder
In the beginning, twelve Titans ruled the heavens and Earth. They birthed a race of Gods known as Olympians who used their strength and cunning to banish the Titans forever. From the ashes of this great war rose humankind. Join Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble for this rambunctious retelling of classic Greek myths, including Midas’ touch, Persephone’s journey to the Underworld, Theseus’ battle with the Minotaur, and more, using magic, music, and mystery to spark the imagination! This virtual assembly is available as a pre-recording.
Program options:
On-Demand (Prerecorded)
Please fill out this inquiry form or call 866-500-9265 for more information. (Virtual programs are not charged a travel fee.)
Price & Info
Assembly Price: $1,280
Assembly Two-in-a-Row Price: $1,750
Additional Fees: In-Person Program Travel Fee - $95 per day; Virtual Program Technology Fee - $45; (On-Demand programs are not charged travel or tech fees)
Audience Limit: 250
Program Length: 45 min.
Appropriate For Grade(s): Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
Arts Appreciation Month
I Love to Read Month
Curriculum Connections
Curriculum Connections
Visual & Performing Arts
World Cultures
World History
Technical Requirements
Minimum ceiling height of 8 ft. Performers on the same level as the audience. They arrive 45 minutes in advance to set up.