
Hip Hop Dance in your Classroom

This professional learning program will introduce hip hop dance into the classroom space as a tool to explore thematic content and assess student understanding. Educators will experience hip hop dance as an opportunity to have fun, reflect, discuss, and analyze creative teaching strategies. Activities such as the story circle exercise and choreography created from thematic […]

Exposures: Old and New School Photography

In this interactive workshop with Erik James Montgomery, students create unique images and explore the myriad possible approaches to this expressive art form. Depending on the length of the residency, the students will explore the following: photo literacy, pin-hole cameras, darkroom printing, digital photo editing, photograms, self-esteem via self-portraits, and much more! Program options: In-person […]

Circus Skills Workshop

The circus comes to you in this hands-on, engaging workshop! Through circus skills like juggling, tightwire, plate spinning, and stilts, students experience fitness in a fun, non-competitive, and creative way. Students work on their hand/eye coordination and both gross and fine motor skills, while learning firsthand the benefits of practice, determination, and grit. Our circus […]

Boom Buckets Around the World!

Students discover the art of drumming! Participants have a blast playing everyday objects like buckets and garbage cans while they develop essential aural musical skills and learn how to read basic musical notation. Along their journey students experience music from different world cultures, participate in ensemble playing, and have the opportunity to perform in an […]

Sister Rain and Brother Sun

When glistening Sister Rain becomes jealous of shining Brother Sun and stops watering the Earth, wise Mother Nature must step in to save the day. In this musical tale, students interact with Catskill Puppet Theatre’s large, beautifully crafted rod puppets, as well as colorful sets and costumes, discovering that we must all work together to […]


In this exhilarating workshop with Almanac Dance Circus Theatre, students learn to overcome physical and mental boundaries, exercise their creative abilities, and cooperate with others through techniques of movement, storytelling, and partner balancing. Working individually, in groups, and as a class, students invent new body shapes, learn basic acrobatic skills, and play games that will […]