
Traditional Stained Glass Painting

In this multi-day residency, students experience first-hand the ancient methods of kiln-fired painting on stained glass.  Students design and paint their own multi-layered glass paintings that can later be assembled into a larger “group-made” stained glass window and displayed in a school or community space.  Through the intricate processes of design, trace painting, matte painting, […]

Introducing Chinese Calligraphy

This workshop will introduce Chinese culture, calligraphy and tools for study of Calligraphy. Each student will make a UNIQUE work of art – create Chinese calligraphy and decorate it on a fan or scroll with an East Asian decorative pattern. Through the process of making an art, the student will understand that Chinese calligraphy is […]

Chinese Dragon Shadow Puppets

Students explore the history and culture of traditional Chinese shadow puppet theatre and learn about characteristics of the mythological Chinese dragon. After learning some steps of the dragon dance, students are guided in making their own dragon shadow puppets. Additional time will allow students to perform a story with their dragons. Program options: In-person Please fill […]

Spirals in Nature: Fibonacci and Beyond

This workshop will focus on spiral forms found in the natural world. Examples of this expanding growth form will show its beauty, efficiency, and mathematical sequence such as the Fibonacci. Students will observe, sketch and draw from natural specimens including chambered nautilus, sunflowers, pinecones, fingerprints, the human ear, galaxies, etc. Creative projects include printmaking using […]

Branching Patterns in Nature

Branching patterns can be found throughout the natural world- from leaf veins and root systems, to coral, mineral dendrites, and a single brain neuron. This workshop will focus on these beautiful, efficient and energy-transmitting forms. Participants will observe and sketch from specimens, then create a wire tree sculpture incorporating a math and division process that […]

Silkscreen a Scene

Students learn simple silkscreen printmaking as they create a collaborative piece based on  the silhouettes of  plants, animals, and shapes. This workshop offers many possibilities and options depending on how many days are available. A one-day workshop allows participants to print screens on a collaborative piece such as a banner, mural, scroll, wall, or t-shirts/costumes. […]

Creating Puppets

Students learn the ancient art of puppet-making and performance as they create their own puppets to perform original or traditional stories. Zach Green guides students in crafting shadow, rod or hand puppets. Creating Puppets is an ideal workshop to integrate visual arts with theatrical performance. Schools can choose to work with the artist for a single day to […]

From Page to Stage

In From Page to Stage, students learn to adapt their favorite stories (or original written work) for a theatrical performance. Participants are guided through the process of script development, beginning acting,(both improvisational and scripted), and staging, in bringing the work to life. Theater vocabulary, discipline, and traditions are taught. The From Page to Stage workshop […]

Gargoyles: From Gothic to Grotesque

In Gargoyles: From Gothic to Grotesque, a 3-D artist shows how to create gargoyles using pinch-pot construction and basic hand-building pottery techniques. A storyteller recounts medieval legends and contemporary children’s fiction that inspire the students to write and perform their own myths based on their gargoyle creations. Please fill out this inquiry form or call 866-500-9265 for more […]

The Art of Invention

Are your students inventive? Through hands-on engineering with simple materials, Molly Gaston Johnson helps students explore cause and effect in artistic sculptures, simple machines, and elegant design. Problem-solving in teams, competitive challenges, and the consequences of economics add to the excitement, along with introductions to Ancient Rome, Leonardo da Vinci, and the ever-popular idea that “form […]