How to Guide/Frequently Asked Questions

In-Person Programming


  • We handle all communication to secure, schedule, and finalize your programming.
  • We audition and preview all program offerings, ensuring the highest quality.
  • We recommend the best programs to meet your needs and your budget.
  • We provide you with details about the content of our programs.
  • We explain any technical requirements for the program.
  • We provide preparatory material for teachers to use in the classroom.
  • We monitor the weather for potential school closures and coordinate rescheduling when needed.
  • We are on-call with our 24-hour emergency number in case of issues.
  • We provide certificates of insurance upon request.


After reviewing our program offerings, select which assemblies, residencies or workshops you would like to incorporate into your school schedule.


Our staff will provide step-by-step help to figure out every detail including artists, dates, and times, and we’ll work with you to stay within your budget.


Once you book your program, our staff will confirm your selection and send contracts and study guides to make sure your students have the best experience possible.


  • Please Note
    • All prices and programs are subject to change. Audience size may not exceed the published limits without the artist’s permission. Artists may refuse to perform if limits are exceeded
  • Billing and Payment
    • Invoices will be sent one month prior to your program. Payment is due on or before the performance day, or on the first day of a residency program. Make checks payable to Young Audiences and mail them to Young Audiences, PO Box 3175, 200 Forrestal Road, Princeton, NJ 08540. Please do not give payment to the artist.
  • Rescheduling and Cancellation
    • Confirmed programs cancelled by the school less than three weeks before the scheduled date are subject to a cancellation fee of one-third of the program, excluding travel. Should illness, inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances prevent the artist from performing, Young Audiences offers schools the option to reschedule, substitute an artist/ensemble or receive a full refund.
  • Travel and Other Charges
    • A travel fee of $95 will be applied to each artist visit. Other costs (such as supplies and materials when noted) will be invoiced prior to the workshop or residency.

Videotaping and Photography, without advance permission of the artist and Young Audiences, is not permitted.

Virtual Programming