Silkscreen a Scene
Students learn simple silkscreen printmaking as they create a collaborative piece based on the silhouettes of plants, animals, and shapes. This workshop offers many possibilities and options depending on how many days are available. A one-day workshop allows participants to print screens on a collaborative piece such as a banner, mural, scroll, wall, or t-shirts/costumes. A two-day workshop allows participants to do a “nature walk” to select plants and actually see the process of getting the silhouettes onto the screens before printing them on day two. Multiple days allows for the project to be expanded into a literature and bookmaking project. With any option, students will develop aesthetic and design skills through use of color, repetition, pattern, rhythm, and composition in whatever they create. They will also be asked to consider nature and symbolism in any activity application. Applications to science are also made in stencil making (photo-process) and subject matter (botany, growth).
Other themes also available.
Program options:
Please fill out this inquiry form or call 866-500-9265 for more information. (Virtual programs are not charged a travel fee.)
- Price & Info
- Theme
- Curriculum Connections
- Tech
Price & Info
Workshop Cost per Day: $600
Workshop Materials Fee: $Varies By Project
Additional Fees: In-Person Program Travel Fee - $95 per day; Virtual Program Technology Fee - $45; (On-Demand programs are not charged travel or tech fees)
Audience Limit: 25
Program Length: 45 min. (up to 4 sessions per day)
Appropriate For Grade(s): Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th